What's SchoolTV?
SchoolTV is a portal (aimed at parents) that publishes monthly editions. Each edition addresses a major topic such as Anxiety, Depression, Internet Addiction and Cyberbullying. Each edition contains expert interviews, fact sheets, parent quiz, books, recommended apps and much more.
As a whole School community, we need to work on ways to help our kids improve their personal resilience, providing the structures for them to learn how to accept failure and take risks. Olinda is now subscribed to SchoolTV, an ongoing resource that is available to our parents.
This is an powerful resource created in association with renowned youth health psychologist Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. SchoolTV aggregates information from many great resources such as BeyondBlue and ReachOut, amongst other and SchoolTV provides a single stream of independent factual information that is designed to save parents time and to avoid the confusion of searching online across multiple sites for information.
You can access Olinda's SchoolTV portal at olindaps.vic.schooltv.me